Featured in
Diamond Dealer Sidsel Dalby featured at the Serious Collectors Guide, which is the premier guide to collecting and investing in rare objects. October 2021.
Diamond Dealer Sidsel Dalby featured at the Serious Collectors Guide, which is the premier guide to collecting and investing in rare objects. October 2021.
Diamond Dealer Sidsel Dalby featured at the leading global Jewelry Connoisseur Magazine by Rapaport. March 2021.
Thank you Rapaport Group for the exclusive interview with Diamond Dealer Sidsel Dalby in the February issue of Rapaport – The Final Cut, 2021.
Så blev det officielt! Som den første danske diamanthandler vises Sidsel Dalby nu i fornemt selskab med verdens førende profiler indenfor global diamond trading… her i et eksklusivt interview med @rapaportgroup i The Final Cut – direkte fra New York City og Jerusalem.