The True Value Of A Natural Diamond
Diamonds As A Commodity
Diamonds are commodities that are simultaneously hyper valued and mistakenly unappreciated. This oxymoron is only made possible by the spectrum of individuals who are exposed to diamonds and the diamond industry as a whole.
Those who know the ins an outs of this age old trade understand the true uniqueness and qualities of a diamond whereas one who only recognizes the precious stone as a tiny, unjustified highly expensive item look accusingly at the diamond market for jacking up prices and causing rifts in society.
While the truth lies somewhere in between these two stances, it is most likely closer to the former opinion than the latter. After all, it is impossible to ignore a process unparalleled to any other in this universe that results in such a beautiful and equally durable artifact. This rarity is what the high sum goes towards, as well as all the effort, labor, and resources involved. In order to completely understand and recognize diamonds, one must be educated regarding the makeup and background of these incredible natural precious gemstones.